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Made with Wave Combos
Wave plants play well with others! Make gorgeous mixed containers with these simple recipes.
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Easy Wave Blue
2. Bidens
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Easy Wave White
2. Red Geranium
3. Lobelia
4. Euphorbia
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Wave Misty Lilac
2. Wave Purple Classic
3. Ipomoea
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Easy Wave Blue
2. Lobelia
3. Pink Geranium
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Shock Wave White
2. Helichrysum
3. Green Dichondra
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Shock Wave Denim
2. Juncus
3. Silver Dichondra
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Shock Wave Denim
2. Easy Wave Neon Rose
3. Juncus
4. Helichrysum
5. Bacopa
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Easy Wave Coral Reef
2. Cordyline
3. Lobelia
4. Green Dichondra
5. Silver Dichondra
Full Sun combos for 25 to 30-cm pots
1. Angelonia
2. Colocasia
3. Pennisetum
4. Easy Wave Pink
Full Sun combos for 30 to 36-cm pots
1. Lemon Talinum
2. Shock Wave Deep Purple
3. Artemesia
Full Sun combos for 30 to 36-cm pots
1. Easy Wave White
2. Trailing Lobelia
3. Anelonia
4. Pentas
Full Sun combos for 41 to 46-cm pots
1. Hibiscus
2. Easy Wave White
3. Purple Lady Iresine
Full Sun combos for 41 to 46-cm pots
1. Coreopsis
2. Easy Wave White
3. French Marigold
Full Sun combos for 51-cm pots
1. Shock Wave Pink Vein
2. Angelonia
3. Plectranthus
Full Sun combos for 25 - 30-cm window boxes
1. Easy Wave Blue
2. Angelonia
3. Dichondra