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Shock Wave® Denim

Like your favourite pair of blue jeans, Shock Wave Denim fades softly through the summer months in the most appealing way! Flowers are dark blue-purple in cool weather or lower light and change to blue-lavender-silver when it warms up or in full sun.

The petite flowers of Shock Wave are perfect for use in hanging baskets or tucking into mixed flower designs. Watch them spill over the sides of your containers without overpowering other plants. Great for small-space gardeners. Enjoy a unique array of decorator colours from this small-but-mighty petunia.

Exposure: Sun
Mature Plant Height: 7-10" (17.8-25.4cm)
Full Spread: 20-30" (50.8-76.2cm)
Water Requirements: Medium
Feed: Once a week
Plant Type: Annuals
Success Tips: Avoid wet foliage going into night. Keep well fed for best performance. Occasional cut back will rejuvenate plants.