We know our Wave fans love those first trips to the local garden center each Spring because they can’t wait to see what’s new: New flowers, tasty vegetables, fantastic shrubs – it’s the best time of the year!

Speaking of NEW, the Wave team and our parent breeding company PanAmerican Seed just finished our new-plant debut at an annual flower industry event called California Spring Trials. This is where commercial greenhouses, retail shops and wholesalers get their very-first look at all of the brand-new plants for the year 2020.
It’s the “fashion show for flowers”... Plant breeding companies up and down the west coast get to show off their latest plant introductions, which soon make it to your local store the following year.

Wave was there! And we had a great time sharing new Wave colours and gearing up for our big exciting year in 2020 when the Wave Petunia brand turns 25. #HappyBirthdayWave Here are a few highlights from Spring Trials ... Be sure to watch your local store! Some of these newbies may be found sneaking around this year.
Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue
If you entered our Wave Spring Giveaway, this was the ultimate prize – a chance to garden with this modern take on a soft lavender colour with the spreading Wave petunia habit you know and love. Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue looks fabulous in hanging baskets and gardens, or you can pair it with other flowers and Wave colours for a great-looking mix in containers.

Wave Carmine Velour
We announced this All-America Selections winner last Fall, but it makes a stunning debut with our customers who liken its carefree carpet of blooms to the original Wave Purple Classic. This is a low-growing Wave with a hot carmine cherry colour. It WOW’ed trial judges last year and it will WOW visitors to your garden soon!

Wave and Cool Wave Combos
Our Wave experts have come up with appealing recipes to give you instant décor. Look for our stand-out mixes in hanging baskets at your local store. New for 2019 are our Cool Wave early-spring baskets, but we still adore our colorful Wave petunia combos, too.

Wave Turns 25!
It will be an exciting year for Wave in 2020 when we hit our silver anniversary and turn 25. We’re positive #HappyBirthdayWave will be trending with our Wave Fans as they show off how much they’ve loved gardening with the authentic spreading petunia since 1995. Here's a trip down memory lane with snippets of our Wave archives...