The Wave Crew Wave Petunias | Cool Wave Pansies
If you’re thinking about giving flowers for Mother’s Day, you’re not alone. It’s definitely a busy time for garden centers and florists: Nearly one-fourth of the flower and plant purchases made for holidays occur at Mother’s Day, according to the Society of American Florists.
Flowers are beautiful ... and as a gift they reflect the beautiful women in your life, so celebrate them in all their colorful splendor!
While Pink is a traditional Mother’s Day favorite, the brigher, bolder combos are becoming a trend, so don’t be afraid to pick up something out-of-the-ordinary for Mom or Grandma this weekend.
Here are some of our top mixed Wave Petunia picks for you to consider.

"Subtle Perfection" is a blend of classic pink tones for Mom. The mixing of Easy Wave and Shock Wave petunias offers a bit of bloom-size contrast.
Easy Wave Pink Passion
Easy Wave Silver
Shock Wave Deep Purple

"Rise N Shine" is another fresh pop of pink color, but this time accentuated by a morn-type Wave petunia with a sunny yellow, too!
Easy Wave Rosy Dawn
Easy Wave Yellow

"Opposites Attract" might be one of our fave uses of the 2019 Color of the Year -- coral! But be warned: This combo is veering toward the bolder tones the florists spoke about above. So if your special lady can handle a bit of modern color, this might be your choice!
Easy Wave Coral Reef
Easy Wave Violet

Now let's add some drama with "Fly Me To The Moon". It's gorgeous, isn't it? The darker "velour" texture mixed with a classy white really takes it to another level that's out of this world. And we know you love Mom to the moon and back!
Easy Wave Burgundy Velour
Easy Wave White
Easy Wave Neon Rose
Whatever flowers you choose, we wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all our loving Wave Fans!