The Wave Crew Wave Petunias | Cool Wave Pansies
There’s no doubt about it – our 2024 Pink Pot Ambassadors are INSPIRING! But what inspired them to start gardening? Pull up a chair…
My grandparents and parents were gardeners, and I grew up with it as part of my life. Also, I fell in love with the book The Secret Garden when I was 9 and have always wanted a walled garden since. (I still don't have a walled garden but there is still time!) -@flowerpatchfarmhouse
What inspired me to start gardening was due to the fact that we couldn't afford the cost of labor right after the build of our home. -@our.cozy.white.home

I was inspired to start gardening initially to grow my own tasty treats... basically for fresh summer tomato sandwiches. At the time, I lived in a condo and had a patio container garden that taught me so much. My love of gardening only grew when we moved into our own home, and we actually had land to grow not only tasty treats -- but also beautiful flowers. -@gardensandchickens
I have always admired my parents’ and grandparents’ gardens, and with our yard getting full sunlight I figured I might be able to try out my green thumb! This will be my third season gardening, and I absolutely love it. I also love having fresh cut flowers inside and thought it would be fun to make my own bouquets instead of buying them from the store. -@guimondgardens

I moved into a house that had rose bushes. I was very close to my grandma, and she used to have a gorgeous rose garden. I thought to myself, "She'd roll over in her grave if I let mine go to waste." - @lambsporchsidepetals
I have always had a love of plants and flowers, even from a very early age. My passion blossomed in college, when my husband (then boyfriend) built me an herb box and I stenciled it. I placed it on my tiny balcony and planted 3 herbs in it. From that small box to what you see on our farm today, is years of dedication, education, and fondness for the love of gardening. -@southernhomeandfarm

A few years ago, I was out of work, nursing some pretty rough injuries. I was feeling very isolated and depressed, and I found myself looking out at my overgrown and under-utilized backyard, and wanting to turn it into something beautiful so I could have a place to sit outside. I made the decision to plant a few herbs in pots, which quickly turned into a few tomatoes! Then a couple blueberry bushes, and before I knew it, I had my partner building raised garden beds in Brooklyn, NY. That transformation gave me back a feeling of accomplishment and a desire to plant and learn more. -@broadwaygardener
I actually started gardening at both of my grandmothers’ knees. Both were talented gardeners, but in completely different design styles. My grandma who lived in the city had formal gardens, and my other grandmother lived in the country and had a farm with a cottage-style aesthetic. I honor them both in my own garden design, with a mix of both aesthetics. My earliest core memory was when I was 3 years old, I wanted to help my grandma, so I picked bees off of her crocus in order to keep them tidy. We all know how that worked out. -@wildwestgardeneringeorgia

One of my best friends in the whole world inspired me. She knew I needed it for my mental health, to help me have a place for a reprieve from the stress I was under. She was 100% correct. Kara, I love you forever & thank you. -@igardennow
While we have long loved looking at pretty plants and flowers, we really began getting into gardening in 2020 since we had a lot more time at home. Both of our moms have green thumbs and taught us a lot about gardening growing up. We still rely on them for a lot of expertise and guidance! This past fall, we both studied and completed Master Gardener courses and are on our way to being Certified Missouri Master Gardeners! -@trowelanderrorgardening

How were you inspired to start gardening? Do any of these stories feel familiar to you?