The Autumn season is ablaze and cooler temperatures have put our summer flowers in deep slumber. Yes, it’s hard to say goodbye to all the joys a colorful garden brings. But don’t overlook planting successfully in Fall! It’s an excellent time to decorate for the season and get creative with plants that prefer the crisp air and warm soil.

The Wave Team filmed the video below to inspire you this season. Our newest member of the Wave family, Cool Wave Pansies, just adore colder weather and they play well with other fall favorites, like Mums, African Daisies, Kale, Lettuce, Grasses and Marigolds. Try mixing them together and watch Cool Wave Pansies spread and trail over the sides of the pot or basket.
Then add even more fun. The Wave Team kicked their containers up a notch by adding bright ribbon, ornaments, pumpkins and gourds, bare branches, and other flair. Placed at your doorway, this stunner can greet trick-or-treaters in October, or welcome Thanksgiving guests.
We’d love to see how you decorate for the season! Share your Cool Wave Pansies photos in the Wave Gallery, or post to our Facebook page. We’ll pin our favorite photos online and award one special fall gardener a cool-season treat.