The Wave Crew Wave Petunias | Cool Wave Pansies
Spring is not so far away. The days are actually getting longer! What will your garden look like this year? Wave® Petunia and Cool Wave® Pansy experts have the following suggestions to stay on-trend this season.
Are you aiming for a classic aesthetic – maybe something in those oh-so-popular “modern farmhouse” tones? Easy Wave® White or Shock Wave® Coconut can add a soft living colour to your decor.
How about something upbeat! Add a little vibe to your space with an electrifying colour like new Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue or our Shock Wave Purple Tie-Dye. (It was named by Wave Fans on social media ... and select stores will carry it this year.)
Need more tropical hues in your life? You can’t beat THIS winner for a getaway look in your own outdoor space (Wave Carmine Velour)
What about you early-birds who like to garden before the soil warms? There’s plenty of Cool Wave Pansies to scratch your itch for early-Spring flowers. Look for Cool Wave Strawberry Swirl for baskets and balconies.
Our Wave Team is always hard at work to bring new and exciting colours to a store near you. But while the weather’s frightful, check out our mail-order catalog partners from the comfort of the indoors. Get your list ready as we all look forward to the warmer days ahead.