If you’re looking to bring the warmth and color of your Wave garden indoors, here’s your chance! With a few photos from your garden (or download a few from our website), you can craft a colorful decoration to inspire you all year long.

These wooden letters covered in flower prints is the perfect way to share your love of gardening with a friend – or keep it for yourself to make sure guests know a Wave Fan lives here!
What you’ll need:
Wooden letters (found at your local craft store)
Flower print-outs (standard paper size 8 1/2 x 11)
Sponge brush
Mod Podge
Pen or pencil

First, arrange your wooden letters on the flower print-outs so each letter fits within the flower area. We’ve chosen the word “GROW” but pick the words, names or initials that suit your style.
Next, hold the first letter against the paper. Using a pen or pencil, trace around the letter. Repeat until all letters have been traced on a flower print-out.

Once tracing is complete, use scissors to carefully cut out the traced letters.
Brush a layer of Mod Podge onto the wood. Press the paper cut-out letter onto the wood and cover with another layer of Mod Podge. Continue with all the letters, then set letters aside to dry.

That’s it! Once your letters are dry, display them in a spot that needs a little bit of flower color or love. To see the full step-by-step process, watch the video below or at our YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe and click on the notifications button so you never miss a project or demo from our team.