The Wave Crew Wave Petunias | Cool Wave Pansies
We've spent many weeks at home like you getting really excited for spring gardening season. But we're also going a little stir crazy. So we looked around for easy, indoor DIY projects using items you might find at home.
Like excess nail polish in your beauty cabinet! Why not make creative use of these by painting a flower pot with a unique marbled pattern? You can always use more personal touches in your garden. It's a simple process and soon you'll be enjoying your creation on your patio, windowsill or balcony.

Nail polish colors (2 or 3 different colors give the best effect)
A ceramic container or flower pot
Bucket filled with water
Paper towels or plastic water dish (for drying)
Pour each nail polish into the bucket of water in a swirling motion above the surface. Then dip the ceramic pot in the water, letting the nail polish adhere to the sides in a fun pattern. When the container is covered to your liking, let it dry on the paper towels for 24 hours. Once completely dry, the colorful pot is now ready for your favorite flowers or herbs!