I’m Erica Zinman, and I live in central Bucks County, outside of Philadelphia. I’ve worked in network marketing for over 30 years which gives me the time freedom to garden as much as I like. My daughter & stepson are young adults that will only help me garden on Mother’s Day... so I get to garden in peace & quiet most of the time!
What inspired you to start gardening?
I’ve moved more than 3 dozen times in my life, and I always liked how I could make a space my own just with a few flowers. Five years ago, we built a house, and I finally have a large space to plant as many flowers and vegetables as I want.
Describe your garden.
The front of my house has mostly annuals in a different color scheme each year. Pink is almost always in there as I like to match my hair! I have two flower towers, 5 hanging baskets, and six railing planters that are usually filled to the brim with pansies in the spring and petunias in the summer.
On the side of my house, I have a long flower bed filled with mostly perennials.
And placed in rainbow order so I have a spot to put every color. In the back, I built a 14’ x 38’ foot raised garden bed myself, all in black to keep it uniform, and filled with veggies.
What has been your biggest gardening fail?
The vegetable garden! I’m new to planting veggies, and while I’ve had some things that did well, I’ve also had cucumber plants that toppled an arbor (I bought sturdier ones this year), a huckleberry seed that grew over 7 feet tall and wide and overtook one corner of the garden, and a pumpkin seed that grew from the center bed, across the path, into the next bed and up and over the deer fencing. I like things neat and was unprepared for how large plants can get. This year was also a weird year for the weather here, and half my tomatoes didn’t produce, and the other half did, but lost all their leaves.
How have you used Wave Petunias or Cool Wave Pansies in your garden?
Pansies in all colors and petunias mostly in white or shades of pink. I like to add Sweet Potato Vines in my planters. I use them primarily in the containers, but also use them as edging for the flower beds.
What’s one piece of advice you would give a beginner gardener?
Good soil is so beneficial. Add compost. And plant things that bloom at different times so that you always have something pretty.
What would you tell someone who has never heard about Wave Petunias?
They’re fantastic! They’re usually the first ones to sell out at our garden store, so I try to snag as many as I can and then fill in the rest of the garden with other types of petunias. The Wave Petunias always grow the best!
What is your current favorite color for the garden?
PINK. Always pink.
Do you see any similarities in gardening and crocheting? What about gardening and home décor?
Yes! Crochet & gardening are both relaxing and colorful. For a few years, I’ve made a blanket in the spring that matches the colors I’m doing that year in the garden. My home is also very colorful. While I know that white/gray/neutrals are what’s “in style” for home décor, my house has every room painted in different colors. No white walls here! I’m currently trying to convince my husband that I *need* to paint the garage as I’ve run out of rooms to paint in the house. Side note…my office is painted pink, of course.
You have done incredible things with flowers on your front porch. Do the neighbors ever stop and stare? Do cars slow down as they drive by??
I’m lucky to live in a wonderful neighborhood, and my house is located across the street from our neighborhood playground and the mailboxes… and the walking path that connects our neighborhood to the outside neighborhoods is along my side yard. So, we have a LOT of people walking by our house. And I’m almost always outside either in the garden or crocheting on the porch. Yes, people constantly stop to tell me how much they love my garden. Some have even said they purposely do their daily walk this way to see it. My favorite are the little kids. They love to say hello and I let them pick some flowers and veggies.
Do you have any other hobbies?
Crochet and gardening are my main hobbies that take up most of my free time. But I do like to read (any genre) and do cross-stitch. And if organizing can be considered a hobby….
Any pets?
Three cats – Buzz, Zoey, and Paizley. They basically follow my husband around all day. I have a fish tank with freshwater fish that I’ve had for years and years.
Do you know any gardening jokes? If so, tell us one.
Spring is here. I’m so excited I wet my plants!
Tell us something that most people don’t know about you.
I was in the army right after college and studied Arabic (which I don’t remember anymore.)
Anything else you’d like to share?
Just honored to be a Wave Ambassador – how many days until Spring????????