Spring is just around the corner. Time to get journaling and start making that plant wish list! Get inspired by our Wave® Petunia combos featured in our summer test gardens from last season. Check out the before-and-after photos of these extra-large flower pot creations. Extraordinary! Aren’t they?
Combo #1
Petunia Wave Carmine Velour (links open in new window)
Ornamental Millet Jade Princess
Impatiens SunPatiens Vigorous Tropical Orange
Strobilanthes dyerianus
Combo #2
Petunia Wave Purple Classic
Dichondra Silver Falls
Ornamental Pepper Midnight Fire
Impatiens SunPatiens Vigorous Pink Kiss
Ruellia Southern Star Blue
Combo #3
Petunia Wave Purple Classic
Pennisetum Vertigo
Angelonia Archangel Dark Purple
Gomphrena Pinata
Euphorbia Breathless Blush
Plectranthus Silver Crest
Reader picks: Do you have any favorite sun-loving plants you enjoy pairing with Wave petunias? Share your favorite foliage or flowers in the comments section below.