Sometimes things just happen on a whim. Take for example, this image that inspired our “Behind the Scenes” blogs. I snapped this pic after we took a break from digging and planting and cleaning up around Shirley’s yard.

Alyson and Katie sat on the driveway with plants all around them as they discussed what to do next. It wasn’t that they were overwhelmed. It’s how they were taking in inspiration. Not just from their surroundings, but from each other and what would work for Shirley. Despite it looking sunny, the temps overnight had dropped surprisingly. The Wave team in sweatshirts, and blocking each other from the wind, we couldn’t wait for the clouds to break for a bit of warmth from the sun.
But this amazing duo thoughtfully took their time, deciding which wonderful accompaniments would complement the pop of yellow Wave Petunias that they chose to include in the large planters at Shirley’s entrance. As Katie said, “I love this shot of Alyson and I on the ground contemplating life and art
." The mix of flowers they came up with was a tropical and fun combination and something that gives the house the oomph and unique curb appeal to make the neighbors do a doubletake!

Another surprise that Katie came up with was the backyard container for Shirley’s entertaining space. Inspired by the gorgeous silvery green flowerpot, the mixed combo includes Easy Wave White and Blue, Blue Spear Lavender, and Silver Falls Dichondra. It’s a simple but effective mix of flowers giving off elegant vibes with a relaxing feel.

Watch our latest episode below!
For the Step by Step with Wave: Summer Series third episode re-cap, read here.