For over 25 years, Wave petunias have been a gardening favorite because of their spreading nature, ease of care, and wide colour selection! With a plant that is so versatile, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to properly incorporate them into your garden. Here is an easy-to-follow guide to help you prepare for a summer filled with colour!

Determine location and space.
Determine what works best for you and your gardening space. No matter how big or small, remember that Wave thrives in bright, sunny beds or planters!
Planters allow your petunias to be more mobile and they don’t require a lot of room, which is perfect for shared living arrangements like condos or apartments. Even if you only have a small space like a table top or a balcony, start small with one plant in your own designer pot which will grow into a beautiful display!

While garden beds require a bit more space in your yard, you will have your neighbors in awe of the vibrant colours and beautiful blooms!

Pro tip: if planters are your go-to, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a new one, get creative and find a way to upcycle old items you would normally throw away. This can be a kitchen chair, tea kettle, metal bucket, shoe organizer, or even an old tire! Anything can become a planter with a little TLC.
This is an upcycled shoe organizer!

Find the right petunia for you. (Wave makes it easy!)
The best thing about Wave is that there is a petunia for everyone! Every variety promises fast-growing and season-long color – no matter what your gardening dreams are.
Cool Wave Pansies are great for those who want to get a head start at adding colour to your garden. These flowers hold up best in cool season while still promising you that famous Wave spreading and trailing size and colour. Cool Wave can overwinter through USDA Hardiness Zone 5. If it gets a bit cooler, we suggest mulching to provide added protection. These do well in containers, baskets and in beds. And even if they get covered with snow, they will be the first colour you see again in Spring!

For those with smaller gardening spaces, Shock Wave Petunia is for you! These neat, mounded spreading plants with masses of petite blooms are perfect for baskets, containers, and mixed combos and are quite easy to manage.

Not only is Easy Wave Petunia easy, but it’s also fast-growing. This variety is a warrior and works hard in your garden! No cutting back is necessary in your beds or containers with this one! It’s the most versatile and you’ll enjoy continuous large flowers because not only does this plant produce flowers at the end of each stem, it produces flowers all along the stems too, which is why it looks so amazing! (That’s the secret behind all Wave petunias!)

Tidal Wave Petunia is for those who want to GO BIG in beds, containers, and large planters. It’s a nonstop grower and if you give it a trellis or something to climb up, it will create a super-size flowering hedge – perfect to brighten up a wooden fence border or create massive hanging baskets! WARNING: You need a very large basket or planter for these – 18"+!

And we cannot forget the original ground-hugging carpet of colour – the Original Wave Petunia! As it is the lowest growing, it can spread up to 4 feet to make a beautiful groundcover It has adorned all kinds of places from my back yard to castles in France!

Go to the garden centre.
After you have figured out the type of Wave that works best with your style, now it is time to get in your car and go to your local garden centre! Once there, grab a cart and start filling it up with plants. Don’t forget to pick up any gardening tools like soil, shovels, or gloves to help you might need!

It’s time to plant.
Dig a hole wide enough to fit the width of your plant, while also being deep enough so that the top of the plant will be equal to the soil level. Remove it from the pot and place it in the hole already prepared. Fill in any extra space or gaps around the plant with the leftover soil, water in and enjoy!

Enjoy your petunias all Summer long!
Insider tip: In planters and hanging baskets, Wave Petunias benefit from a trim or “haircut” once or twice during the summer to encourage new blooms. Your plants will fill in more and will give you that colour explosion of petunias everyone loves!